Your Optimum Life

"Once you commit to change, the Universe will follow."

Elite Life Coach


The quality of your relationship is correlated directly to the quality of your communication, both verbal and physical. Learn and understand how to better enter the other's 'frame' and learn techniques to build 'bridges' that serve both of your outcomes. Whether they be romantic, social, or business relationships.

Stage Fright

Many notable performers suffer unnecessarily from this phobia and it does not have to be so. What if those moments you used to fear became fun and enjoyable?

Sleep Disorders

How much better would you feel if your sleep were sound and rejuvenating? Sleep is the time your body needs to cleanse, rebuild and prepare for the coming day. If you learn to maximize this downtime, you will maximize your waking hours more easily.

Sports Performance

Is something holding you back from the performance you desire? Would you like to take your game to the next level? The subconscious holds the key to open up your potential.

Public Speaking

Often said to be the greatest fear in our culture, some say they would rather die than speak in public. Would you believe that is all in your head? Imagine, there is a way to turn that around and enjoy it!

Self Esteem

Imagine that confidence you see in those you admire being yours. What has it been costing you, not staking your claim or stepping up to share the gifts you were given and shining as the remarkable person you have been created to be?

“I welcome your call to address these and other conditions, fears, or phobias through cognitive coaching and unlocking the power of your subconscious. Live your life to the fullest!”

Rick Cicetti